BTL Holter ECG

  • Rhythm analysis
  • HRV & ST evaluation
  • Pacemaker detection
  • QT, QTc evaluation
  • Pacemaker analysis
  • Patient activity monitor
  • Relief map, PSD Graph, Poincaré

High Quality ECG Signal

Extraordinary signal quality even under highly demanding conditions (e.g. tachycardia or rapid movements).

Instant detection of abnormalities

BTL Holter software displays the full record on a single screen with maximum details, offering a variety of modern tools. Select from a predefined template for automated filled out conclusion text with correct values and without wasting time typing.

Highly customizable evaluation

BTL Holter provides 3, 7 or 12 lead systems and up to 7 days recording capacity in addition to a certification for use in children below 10 kg of weight.

BTL Holter ECG